Thursday, August 18, 2016

I Am A Reconstructed Mirror

I have not posted on here for quite some time, but I'd like to get back into the habit.  So, I thought what better way than to discuss the name of my blog.  Why a Reconstructed Mirror?

A mirror provides a reflection, a way for us to view ourselves objectively.  Unfortunately, we don't tend to see ourselves objectively, physically or mentally.  We all have our issues, but our society convinces us that we should hide them.  Maybe if we look and act perfect, we almost can be.  The problem is, if we brush our problems under the proverbial carpet, they will only fester.  There are so many expectations we feel compelled to meet and standards we are expected to uphold.  When we look in the mirror, we begin to see what we are trying to be, not what we truly are.  We have convinced ourselves that what we pretend is who we are.  Then we don't understand why we are unhappy.  We are unhappy because we are untrue to ourselves, broken.

The Reconstructed Mirror then, is seeing how we are broken and putting ourselves back together, in a truer more authentic way.  Whether we feel broken and have problems that need resolved or we feel we are living an inauthentic life, we need to put ourselves back together. 

It isn't easy, but finding our true self is far too important.  Do we really want to live our entire lives by someone else's standards?  We should be doing what we love and being with the people that love and respect us.  We should have opinions that are our own, not just a surrogate from someone else.  We need to be proud of who we are and stand for what we believe.  There should be no shame in being ourselves, after all we are all uniquely ourselves. 

When we Reconstruct the Mirror, we see our true selves for the first time, and we stand taller and prouder.  We no longer have to justify our existence or place in this world, it is ours.